Unlike some other bugs that might help your garden or eliminate other pests, the cockroach is just a nuisance and poses a real health threat to humans. Their ability to spread disease makes it essential to keep them from your home. There are numerous species of cockroaches, and a whopping 70-percent of them call Florida home.
The best way to deal with roaches is to prevent them in the first place. Once the fiends have made it into your home, it can be difficult to get rid of them. Part of the reason is that this pest makes its home in hard-to-reach spots, such as behind your fridge or stove or even in the walls.
Ants can do more than ruin your outdoor fun. If ants make a colony in your home, they can damage the structure. These pests start with outdoor colonies that you can see in the form of mounds and then move indoors if they smell a rich food source. The most common types of ants found in Royal Palm Beach, Florida include:
- Sugar Ants
- Carpenter Ants
- White-Footed Ants
- Crazy Ants
Rodents can carry diseases and can infect you and your family through a bite. These mini menaces can also damage your home. When you see signs of rats or other little critters, it's time to call an exterminator. Remember that rats and mice can start having litters at a young age, making it easy for a small problem to grow to a large one. A professional can help you get rid of your new friends and help you make changes to keep from having any further visitors.
White Flies
If you have a garden, growing veggies or flowers, then you might see tiny flies swarming around your precious crops. These are whiteflies. They enjoy the plant juice as part of their diet but the feast causes the plant to darken and eventually die. When you think you have a problem, it's time to call because these little flies reproduce quickly and can build a large colony quickly.
Having spiders around your home and yard isn't always a bad thing. Spiders can help keep the number of other bugs lower and more manageable. However, these eight-legged critters leave behind webs and some pose a real threat to humans. The most common type of spiders in South Florida are:
- Crab Spiders
- Daddy Long Leg Spiders
- Brown Recluse Spiders
- Gold Silk Orb-Weaver Spiders
- and Jumping Spiders
Other Pests
With an area surrounded by swampland, Royal Palm Beach homes attract a variety of critters. Other pests that you might need to call a professional to rid your home and yard from include:
- Wasps
- Fleas
- Mosquitos
- Silverfish
- Termites
- Ticks